Sunday 20 November 2011

5.19 Boyle's Law

5.19 Boyle's Law demos
02 November 2011

<<Video - mixing colours in a bell jar with Boyle's law.flv>>

Fun with the vacuum pump!
·         Food colouring in pipettes
·         Surgical gloves

5.19 Experiment
07 November 2011





Change the pressure of a fixed mass of gas at a constant temperature
·         Measure the volume
·         Use the EXCEL spreadsheet to analyse your results

Ideal Gas - Boyle's Law.xlsx Download this file

Sunday 13 November 2011


28 October 2011
5.14 describe the Kelvin scale of temperature and be able to convert between the Kelvin and Celsius scales
Converting Centigrade to Kelvin
TK = ToC + 273

Converting Kelvin to Centigrade
ToC = TK - 273

TK = Temperature in Kelvin [K]
ToC = Temperature in Degrees Centigrade [oC]

5.14 Questions
02 November 2011
·         Collins p.118

q1 Absolute zero is the lowest posible temperature, and at this point the molecules have zero speed which results in zero kinetic energy
q2 A) i) Tk = Toc + 273 = 20+273 = 293k
ii) 150+273 = 423k
iii) 1000+273 = 1273k
b) i) Toc = Tk - 273 = 300 - 273 = 27 degrees
ii) 650 - 273 = 377 degrees
iii) 1000 - 273 = 727 degrees


<div style="position: relative; width: 300px; height: 228px;"><a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="
" alt="Gas Properties" style="border: none;" width="300" height="228"/><div style="position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 80px; left: 50px; top: 74px; background-color: #FFF; opacity: 0.6; filter: alpha(opacity = 60);"></div><table style="position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 80px; left: 50px; top: 74px;"><tr><td style="text-align: center; color: #000; font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial,sans-serif;">Click to Run</td></tr></table></a></div>

Thursday 10 November 2011


5.11 Starter
02 November 2011

<<Video - Brownian Motion smoke in air.wmv>>

You're looking at smoke particles in air under a microscope
·         They appear to be jiggling about
·         Why?


·         (Don't worry if you can't work this out straight away - Albert Einstein was the bloke who eventually explained what's happening here!)

28 October 2011
·         5.11 understand the significance of Brownian motion



<<Video - Model of Brownian motion.wmv>>



Model 1

·         What does the red puck represent?
·         What do the metal balls represent?

red puck = smoke

metal balls = air molecules




Model 3

·         What do the "smoke" particles look like?
·         Why are they moving?
·         What do the "air" particles look like?

5.11 explained
28 October 2011

Model 1

·         What does the red puck represent?
o    The large, visible smoke particle
·         What do the metal balls represent?
o    The small, not visible air particles


Model 2

·         What do the small red particles represent?
o    The small, not visible air particles
·         What does the large blue particle represent?
o    The large, visible smoke particle
·         What does the view on the left of the screen represent?
o    The view through the microscope lense
·         Why can't you see the red particles in this view?
o    They are too small to see


Model 3

·         What do the "smoke" particles look like?
o    They are the 5 large, sand coloured particles
·         Why are they moving?
o    Small, fast moving air particles are colliding with the smoke particles and making them move
·         What do the "air" particles look like?
o    They are the numerous, small, white particles

5.11 Questions
02 November 2011
1. Draw the path of a smoke particle in air  (3 marks)
you cannot because smoke particles move about randomly depending on when it hits the air particles

Explain what is meant by Brownian Motion of smoke particles in air and how it provides evidence for air particles  (4 marks)

brownian motion - the movement of small particles as a result of continuous contact with molecules in the same space

What change would you expect to see in the movement of the smoke particles if the air was cooled down?  Why?  (2 marks)

you would expect them to move slower because as you cool it down the particles move slower thus more collisions are caused

brownian_motion.swf Download this file

e-lesson 5.12+5.15

Best wishes,
Mr B

5.12+5.15 Starter
02 November 2011

<<Video - simulation of gas pressure in Phun.flv>>


·         Why does the needle on the meter move when gas particles are introduced into the box?
·         What does the meter measure?





·         The gas particles collide with all of the walls of the container.  The wall on the right moves outwards and moves the needle.
·         Pressure.  The gas particles colliding with the walls makes a force on the walls.  The walls have a surface area so the quantity measured is pressure, p=F/A.

5.12+5.15 Questions
02 November 2011
·         5.12 recall that molecules in a gas have a random motion and that they exert a force and hence a pressure on the walls of the container
·         5.15 understand that an increase in temperature results in an increase in the speed of gas molecules

Try the animation

1.    How do the particles create a pressure?
2.    If you increase the temperature, how does the movement of the particles change?
3.    If you increase the temperature, how does the number of collisions per second change?
4.    If you increase the temperature, what does this do to the pressure?

Sunday 6 November 2011

5.5 & 5.6

07 October 2011
5.5 understand that the pressure at a point in a gas or liquid which is at rest acts equally in all directions





5.5 Demo 1 - Magdeburg Hemispheres
12 October 2011
·         Magdeburg Hemispheres



·         The original experiment was done by using two teams of wild horses to try and pull the hemispheres apart
·         And here are the horses I was talking about!

5.5 Demo 2 - Collapsing Bottle
12 October 2011





·         Collapsing Bottle



07 October 2011
5.6 recall and use the relationship for pressure difference:


        pressure difference = height × density × g

                               ∆p = h × ρ × g



∆p = pressure of the fluid (N/m2 or Pa)

h = height of the fluid (m)

ρ = density of the fluid (kg/m3)

g = gravitational field strength (N/kg)

5.6 Demo - squirting water column
12 October 2011


·         The bottom hole squirts water the furthest
·         Because the water at the bottom has the greatest pressure
·         Because in the formula ∆p = h × ρ × g, ρ is constant, g is constant and h is large
·         So ∆p = large

5.6 Questions
07 October 2011
Collins, p.107



5.             p=hxpxg

150000 = hx1000x10



6.             ρ = 0.42g/cm3 = 420kg/m3


P =50x420x1.4

P =29,400Pa

 1,000mbar = 1 bar = 100,000Pa

1.6 bar = 160,000Pa


So total pressure = 29,000+160,000 = 189,000Pa 

ρfresh water = 1,000kg/m3
g = 10N/kg
1,000mbar = 1 bar = 100,000Pa

5.6 Plenary
12 October 2011
Which diver experiences the greatest pressure?



They both experience the same pressure, because they are down at the same depth.

5.9 and 5.10

5.9 and 5.10
28 October 2011
5.9 recall that particles in a liquid have a random motion within a close-packed irregular structure
·         5.10 recall that particles in a solid vibrate about fixed positions within a close-packed regular structure
·         Complete the missing words in the table below
·         Cut and paste the particle images into the table






Arrangement of Particles
Motion of Particles
Other Properties

closely packed
·         regular pattern
·         vibrate about a fixed position
·         fixedshape
·         not easily compressed since particles are closely packed
·         Strong bonds

·         closely packed
·         no pattern
·         free to flow over each other
·         takes shape of its container
·         can be poured
·         not easily contained since particles are closely packed
·         Weak bonds

·         widely spaced
·         no pattern
·         very fast moving
·         random directions
·         fills its container
·         can be poured
·         easily compressed since its particles are far apart
·         Very weak bonds

s,l,g animation.swf Download this file