Sunday 13 November 2011


28 October 2011
5.14 describe the Kelvin scale of temperature and be able to convert between the Kelvin and Celsius scales
Converting Centigrade to Kelvin
TK = ToC + 273

Converting Kelvin to Centigrade
ToC = TK - 273

TK = Temperature in Kelvin [K]
ToC = Temperature in Degrees Centigrade [oC]

5.14 Questions
02 November 2011
·         Collins p.118

q1 Absolute zero is the lowest posible temperature, and at this point the molecules have zero speed which results in zero kinetic energy
q2 A) i) Tk = Toc + 273 = 20+273 = 293k
ii) 150+273 = 423k
iii) 1000+273 = 1273k
b) i) Toc = Tk - 273 = 300 - 273 = 27 degrees
ii) 650 - 273 = 377 degrees
iii) 1000 - 273 = 727 degrees

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